
In a world where size does  matter, we’re not ashamed to admit we’re a small church. We believe many people care about simplicity, intimacy and loyalty and that’s what Manor Methodist Church is noted for.

If you’re looking for a simple but serene place to focus on God, Manor Methodist Church is the right place for you. If you’re looking for a warm friendship and cordial relationship, Manor is the place. 

We are people of all races, genders, young people and adults. Our membership comprises English, Caribbean, Ghanaians, Nigerians, Sierra Leoneans etc.

We are part of Southwark and Deptford Circuit, in the London District of the Methodist Church.





Our Sunday worship: Start from 10.30am till about 12.00 noon. We usually have a Bible study from 10.30am-11.00am.Worship is usually led by a Minister or an accredited local preacher. There's usually a Sunday school during these hours.

Holy Communion: We have a Holy Communion on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Ghanaians@Manor: The Ghanaian fellowship was inaugurated on Sunday 24 March 2019. The group meet on 4th Sunday of each month after morning worship.


Local Arrangement: Once Sunday in each quarter, we break away from the usual worship pattern and try something new. It could be a discussion about news item, bible study, visitation, games etc. 

Other Users:   Our premises is used by other groups including Bubbly Day Nursery,16th Bermondsey Scout Group.

 Hall Booking:  You can book  our hall for parties, meetings. Please note no alcohol is allowed in our premises.

Email  felix.otabil@manormethodist.org.uk